If you would ever like to order any cards from me, just shoot me an e-mail! I would be more than happy to work with you to create exactly what you have in mind. Depending on how many you need, I can usually have your order done in a couple days, sooner if needed! If you see any cards on here that you like, I can change anything around for whatever occation you need. If you like the colors from one, but the saying from another, I can do just about anything you have in mind.
If you don't know what exactly you want just give me an idea of the recipient and I will create the perfect card for them. If you know their age (or about how old they are), colors they like or wear often and anything else special about them, I will create a custom made, one-of-a-kind greeting card for them and YOU will be the one who gets all the credit for being so thoughful! If you are not completely satisfied, I can make a few different ones so you can choose which one you like the best! I am excited to work with you anytime you need that extra special touch!
Who wouldn't feel a little better to receive a handmade card. :) Nice work!